Goin' To San Antone

SRV Gig Database Cross-reference (Click to check date(s) in the SRV Gig Database)

Goin' To San Antone - Studio 21, San Antonio, TX, 30aug78
     [no visible label] (66:17, 15 tracks) (CD-R format, producer unknown)
     Live soundboard recording, w/Lou Ann Barton (tracks 8-15).
     Also includes Jackie Newhouse on bass & Johnny Reno on sax.
     Incorrectly listed as having been recorded on 3aug79.
     Good sound quality and graphics.
     <track#/title>                     <time>  <notes>
     1> Instrumental                     5:44
     2> Howling For My Darling           4:48
     3> Texas Flood                      6:15
     4> All The Love I'm Missing         5:51   "All Your Love I Miss Loving"
     5> So Fine                          3:26   "I'm Crying"
     6> When My Baby Walks               7:54   "Shake For Me"
     7> Somebody's Knockin' At My Door   2:24   "Tell Me"
     8> Don't Mess With My Man           3:35   "You Can Have My Husband"
     9> Shake A Hand                     4:43
    10> Kansas City                      3:24
    11> Hip Shake                        5:40   "Hip Hip Baby"
    12> Sugar                            4:02   "Sugar Coated Love"
    13> Oh Yeah                          2:30
    14> Through The Night                5:07   actual title?
    15> Instrumental                     0:54   incomplete, fades out

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