Parker's Place

SRV Gig Database Cross-reference (Click to check date(s) in the SRV Gig Database)

Parker's Place - Seattle Center Coliseum, Seattle, WA, 1sep85
     [Primadonna, PD096] (74:51, 15 tracks)
     Recorded during Seattle's Bumbershoot Arts Festival, excellent sound.
     Incomplete, missing the track "Cold Shot".
     incorrectly listed as recorded at Parker's Restaurant
     same as 
	Seattle Jammin'
	Texas Flood
	Together In Love

     <track#/title>                     <time>  <notes>
     1> Scuttle Buttin' / Say What       7:38   "SB"=2:28, "SW"=5:10
     2> Lookin' Out The Window           2:08
     3> Look At Little Sister            3:13
     4> Ain't Gone 'n' Give Up On Love   7:50
     5> Change It                        4:37
     6> You'll Be Mine                   4:34
     7> Empty Arms                       2:33
     8> Come On                          5:11
     9> Pride And Joy                    5:22
    10> Testify                          3:26   studio version, what?
    11> Couldn't Stand The Weather       7:26
    12> Life Without You                 8:42
    13> Introducing Bonnie Raitt         1:52
    14> Texas Flood                      6:52   w/Bonnie Raitt
    15> Testify                          3:37   w/Bonnie Raitt

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