Unsurpassed Masters, Vol. 2

SRV Gig Database Cross-reference (Click to check date(s) in the SRV Gig Database)

Unsurpassed Masters, Vol. 2 - no studio locations indicated
     [Little Stevie, LS002] (1996) (73:47, 17 tracks)
     All tracks are from the "Soul To Soul" sessions, mar-may85
     note on label says that these are "Touch The Sky" sessions
     Take numbers are from liner notes and probably do not reflect actual
     studio take numbers.

     <track#/title>                    <time>  <notes>
     1> Boot Hill                       2:01   take 1, instrumental
     2> Boot Hill                       4:11   take 2, instrumental
     3> Boot Hill                       3:53   take 3, instrumental
     4> Wah, Wah Wait A Minute          5:07   take 1, "Say What"
     5> Wah, Wah Wait A Minute          1:33   take 2, "Say What"
     6> Wah, Wah Wait A Minute          1:34   take 3, "Say What"
     7> Wah, Wah Wait A Minute          3:30   take 4, "Say What"
     8> Nolan Noodles                   2:07   take 1, instrumental
     9> Nolan Noodles                  10:33   take 2, instrumental
    10> Little Wing                     1:53   take 1, instrumental
    11> Little Wing                     2:04   take 2, instrumental
    12> Little Wing                     9:12   take 3, instrumental
    13> Third Stone From The Sun        8:00
    14> Intro-Organizing                1:09   "Say What", w/organ
    15> Ain't Gone 'n' Give Up On Love  5:11   take 1
    16> Ain't Gone 'n' Give Up On Love  6:01   take 2
    17> Come On                         5:39   intro

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