This is a listing of all known Stevie Ray Vaughan performances.
Venue information, setlist (if available) and known audio and video recordings are included for each show.
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Search Examples
- searching with no search string returns all gigs
- 84 finds all the shows from 1984
- mar84 finds all the shows from March 1984
- Austin finds all the shows performed in Austin
- TX and activiating the Case Sensitive Search checkbox -- finds all the shows performed in Texas
- 84 TX and setting the Search Operator to And returns the shows from 1984 in Texas
- you must select the "Include Setlists" option if you want to search setlists
- Scuttle returns shows where Scuttle Buttin' was played
- Voodoo TX and setting the Search Operator to And returns shows where Voodoo Chile was played in Texas
- Hideaway Crosscut and setting the Search Operator to Or returns shows where Hideaway or Crosscut Saw were played
This is a chronological list of all performace dates, and venues, with
links to full detail about each performance.
If you have any additions or corrections to
this list, please send them to Bob Willmot <bob@willmot.com> and I'll update the page and
acknowledge the addition in the "Whats New" section.
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